Sunday, March 10, 2013

Casa Rosa is the place!!

It is decided!  We will be staying in Casa Rosa when we go early to Rome.  I'm very excited.  I have heard nothing but good things about it.  Plus, we get a private bathroom!! (Turns out that's not always the case when trying to travel cheap.)  This is what I'm thinking for a rough agenda:
  • 10:30am-Flight lands
  • 12:30(ish)-Find our way to the hostel.  Leave bags there and go buy groceries for lunch
  • 1:30pm-Official check in time.  Make lunch, pack lunch and things for Saturday and relax 
  • Evening-Talk to the manager to find a great place for dinner and a night on the town!
  • 8:30am-Tayler's going to go eat breakfast (good luck waking the guys up)
  • 9:30am-Take a bus to the train station (I think) and head to SPERLONGA!
  • Find out how to buy a spot on the beach, and enjoy the sun!
  • Head back before dinner
  • Find Brandon some egg pizza or gelato for dinner :P
More to come!

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