Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time to get creative...

It's been some time since my last post.  I'm going to go ahead and blame that on the fact that my free time is being taken up not only be work and tons of homework (don't wait until the end of the semester to start your online biology class), but also because I'm trying to figure out how in the world I'm going to pay for this trip.  If it comes down to it, I can sell my car.  Which in some ways would be a smart thing to do, but it really is a last resort.  I haven't been able to work as much lately and needless to say, before you know it, you owe $2000 that you don't have.  So what are my options?  Well...

  1. I'm selling stuff.  Probably almost everything I own.  Luckily I'm not too attached to material items.  This is for two reasons.  The first obviously is for money for the trip.  The second is because moving my trillions of boxes every few months or so in college is really becoming a pain.  And I want to move and store as little as possible before the trip.
  2. Sell my body.  Plasma.  I need to go in to do this but it can be frustrating and time-consuming.
  3. Give up school and work a ton... Just kidding.  Let's not do that.
  4. Beg my family for money... Which is always fun.
  5. Have a bake sale?
That's all my ideas for now.  Also I'm getting pretty tired.  But somehow, I've got to make some money this week.  Ideas are welcome (I say this to my imaginary audience, since as of now I don't share this blog.)
Sleep tight all!

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